Wonkiware product photography garden route south africa


Product Photography of Wonkiware by Create Photography
Colin Stephenson from Colin Stephenson Photography has worked with Di Marshall of Wonkiware since 2003 documenting the ceramic products and photographing the processes and people involved in this South African product success story. The editorial photography of staff and candid documentary style images within the Garden Route ceramic studio have been used both in magazine editorials, adverts and in marketing materials for the company. Colin Stephenson often worked onsite using both natural light studio flashes and various photographic techniques to capture the dynamism of the process, the movement of hands and endless textures imposed onto the product surface. The product photography was often photographed onsite in the George factory for speed of rendering the images before orders went out. Each product was photographed on a curve in the studio in George in the Garden Route, using studio lighting and then the final photography was retouched for use online.